About Us

Peace from the Middle Beast


What is it about?

Middle Beast is a hype-fashion brand based in Berlin providing high-end quality clothes with innovative designs inspired by the Middle-eastern culture across a vast timeline, while demonstrating socio-critical awareness through combining European fashion with Arab influence.

The name Middle Beast comes from the breakdance crew “Middle Beast Crew”, consisting of refugees from Syria, Iraq, Palestine living in Jordan.  Our mission is to give an insight into the Arabic culture through traditional ornaments combined with modern Western designs.

»Middle Beast connects Eastern and Western Cultures

What are our Goals?

»Middle Beast connects Eastern and Western Cultures through the visualizing of common values. We call it building cultural bridges so that social cohesion can be strengthened and prejudices can be overcome.«

Connecting Eastern and Western Cultures


Gender Equality
– Empowering Women

Stop Racism




+49 176 70372439

 © 2024 Middle Beast, all rights reserved